[Exploration - Ishi's Room]

Ishi's room, with a pixel portrait of her on it.

I found Ishi’s room easily– it wasn’t far from the lobby– and knocked quietly. Aoi cracked the door open and peeped outside.

Aoi says hi.
Hey, did you find anything?
Tim looks worried.
Um, no not yet, I was just gonna check on Ishi before I–
Aoi looks embarrassed.
You’ll have to come back later, she’s not, ah, decent.
Tim snorts.
Hah, when is she ever?
Aoi looks annoyed.
You know what I mean. Look, she’s mostly stable for now, but the sooner you can find bandages or pain meds or something the better, okay? Thanks.

They closed the door before I could get another word in. I hoped Aoi was just stressed out from the situation in general, and not from Ishi’s condition getting worse… I headed back to the lobby uneasily.