Timaeus thinks.
Maybe you work so much, you’re not sure what to do with free time! Like a workaholic who… doesn’t like working.
Tiffani sighs.
…it’s not a problem with the port, the internet connection must be disabled at the router–
Timaeus smiles worriedly.
Tiffani, it’s okay! Really! You can stop if you want to…
Tiffani frowns.
What if I don’t want… to… okay fine. What do I do now?
Tim laughs.
Um, well, what do you do when you go home? You don’t sleep at the office, right?
Tiffani looks away.
Uhhhh… not most of the time, I guess. I sleep, and I eat, and I walk the dog…
Tim smiles.
Dog? You have a dog! Tell me about your dog!
Tiffani talks.
Um… his name’s Haskell. Ugly as shit lil' pug. He farts a lot and eats my toilet paper when I’m not home. Lil' Jabba the Hutt fucker…

Her words were harsh and cruel as ever, but it looked like she was… smiling a little. Like, actually smiling, not her snarky just-thought-of-a-nasty-burn grin.

Tiffani smiles briefly.
…He’s not so bad, I guess. I hope he’s alright.
Timaeus grins.
Tiffani! That’s the nicest thing I’ve heard you say about anyone!
Tiffani frowns again.
Well, a dog doesn’t call you at three in the morning because they fucked over their $5000 workstation with a virus from a porn site.
Timaeus blinks.
I mean… yeah, that’s fair.
Tiffani growls.
You wouldn’t believe how much of that shit happens at, like, the CFO/CEO level. Like, please for the love of god, just keep your damn browser updated, and if you’re gonna go looking for porn find a good adblocker and stick to the more reputable streaming sites–
Timaeus gets embarrassed.
I-I don’t– I’ll keep my browser updated!!
Tiffani grins maliciously.
Oh riiiiight, I forgot I was talking to the biggest square on the station! Mister “everybody let’s work together like this is a school project and not a fucking hostage situation!”
Tim huffs.
I don’t sound like that!!!

…I did kind of sound like that.

Tiffani snickered as she turned back towards the computer. Despite her abrasiveness, though, I’d finally found a point of common interest, and I wasn’t about to let go of it.

Tim's getting desperate.
C-can I see your dog?! Do you have any pictures? He can’t possibly be as ugly as you say he is…
Tiffani stops.
…Do you… really wanna see him?
Tim grins.
Of course I do!

Tiffani pulled a wallet out of her back pocket and flipped it open for me to see…

Tiffani shows Tim a picture of Haskell from her wallet. Haskell is an obese but oddly cute pug.
Here he is!! Isn’t he just the most hideous tub of lard you’ve ever seen?~
Timaeus laughs nervously.
He, uh… He sure is something! Isn’t it a bit, um, unhealthy for him to be so…
Tiffani frowns.
No shit he’s unhealthy! I rescued him from a puppy hoarder… He’s on a special diet now, it’s just slow going.
Tiffani smiles again.
At least the vaccines are over with, and he’s warming up to people again…
Tim smiles.
That’s such a nice thing to do! You have a soft side after all, don’t you?
Tiffani growls.
Hmph. Like I said, a dog won’t ruin a major financial institution’s backup servers with a RAID misconfig and cover their tracks for years so they don’t lose their shitty promotion.

I didn’t understand every single word of that, but I got the sentiment.

Tim laughs ruefully.
Yeah… Dogs are pretty great!
Tiffani smiles.
Tiffani yells.
What the hell are you still doing here?! Can’t you see I’m trying to work?
Tim smiles.
Sorry, sorry, I’ll leave you alone now! Ahaha.

She batted me away from the computer defensively as I left, and started typing faster than ever into that weird black box.

I may have gotten shooed out of the room, but I think I got to know her a little better. Tiffani may not have the most pleasant attitude, but at least she doesn’t hate everything! Dogs really are a blessing, aren’t they?

Still, I wondered… was it really just her job that fostered such a disgust for humanity?