I found Aoi sitting in the library next to the fake fireplace, wearing that big fuzzy sweater (which I was incredibly jealous of) and curled up in a chair with a copy of… 2001: A Space Odyssey.
They closed their book and tapped it against their chin thoughtfully.
Aoi turned back to their book as if they’d just been chatting about the weather… Weren’t they scared, too? Between their monotonous voice and the strange visor covering half their face, it was hard to get a read on how they actually felt.
They’d brought up some interesting points, but I needed a subject change for the sake of my own sanity.
Well, that explains how they’re handling everything so calmly, I guess…
They yawned and stretched and slid one hand underneath their… visor? sunglasses? to presumably rub their eyes.
…Wait, did I say that out loud?