[Free Time - Vasundhara]

I knocked quietly on the door to Vasundhara’s room, hoping I wasn’t catching her at a bad time. She seemed to be doing better, but MONO-9000 had really frightened her yesterday…

Vash looks nervous.
Tim smiles gently.
Hey Vash, I’m just here to check on you. Do you want some company, or should I leave you be?
Vash nods.
…You can come in, if you want…

She cracked the door open a little more, and I stepped inside. The shelves in her room were absolutely stuffed with yarn, in a rainbow of colors and all different textures… Vasundhara herself sat crosslegged on her bed, knitting away at a thick blue scarf.

Tim grins.
Oh, you found your needles!
Vash smiles.
Y-yeah… there was yarn, too…!

She held the scarf up for me to look at. Even through the fluff of the yarn, I could see the perfection of the stitches– I would’ve sworn it was machine-made if I hadn’t seen her working on it just now.

Vash thinks.
I think I’ll give this one to Michi… D’you think he’ll like it?
Tim laughs.
I’m sure he’ll love it! It’s the same color as his hair, ahaha.

She smiled shyly, knitting at lightning speed as she spoke, as if her hands had a mind of their own.

Vash smiles.
Okay…! Would you like one too?
Tim yelps.
Wh– oh my gosh! Are you sure?

A scarf from the Ultimate Knitter? Shouldn’t I be paying hundreds or thousands of dollars for this?!

Vash giggles.
Uhuhu… I’ll make one, if you wear it! Lots of people buy my stuff, but then, um, they don’t wear it…
Tim looks confused.
Huh? Why wouldn’t they?? Is it…