[Talk - Ishi]

Introduction card for Ishi Utsunomiya, the Ultimate Roller Derby Jammer. She's a tall, curvy girl with light brown skin, neon green eyes, and black stripes painted on her cheeks like a football player. She's wearing a skimpy roller derby uniform and a black-and-green snapback.

Ishi looks excited
Tim yelps.

I would’ve recognized that voice anywhere! Ishi Utsunomiya, the Ultimate Jammer, as in the point-scoring position in roller derby. It still feels strange to call her an Ultimate student– she and I had been best friends for years, since even before I moved to Japan.

This whole situation was weird, but Ishi’s presence here was the weirdest of all to me. So far it seemed like all of us were picked at random from the students of Hope’s Peak Academy… Was I just really lucky? That’s what I settled on as she swept me up into one of her rib-crushing hugs.

Ishi grins.
Man I dunno what the hell you’re doin' here but… Holy shit I’m glad you’re here!
Tim grins.
I’m glad you’re here too, I feel safer already!

That wasn’t a joke or anything– Ishi has a penchant for brawling, especially in defense of the helpless (among which I count myself.) Still, there was an undercurrent of fear beneath her bravado.

Ishi smirks.
Don’t worry dude, we got this! You help me find the fucker who kidnapped us, and I’ll kick their ass! Easy enough, right?
Tim looks to the side.
Uh, yeah, about that… You don’t remember how we got here, do you?
Ishi looks confused.
…Wait, you don’t remember?? I’d just kinda assumed I’d gotten wasted or something, but… yeah! This ain’t good! You sure you’re okay, man?
Tim fusses at her.
I’m fine, you need to be more careful about partying so much! But yeah, everyone I’ve talked to so far said they don’t remember anything, either…
Ishi looks serious.
Weird shit, man, weird shit. But! Nobody’s gettin' hurt if I’ve got anything to say about it, so you just stick with me, ‘kay?
Tim smiles.

I gave her another hug, and this time she didn’t give me a noogie, thankfully.

Ishi grins.
So whatcha doin'? Are you meetin' people? I’ll go with you and make sure nobody tries to sass you!

I nodded– if Ishi has her heart set on something, it’s tough to say no. So my unusual friend joined me on my quest to meet the rest of the captives, following me around like a bodyguard in booty shorts.

It was so nice to see a familiar face, but I couldn’t help but wonder what ulterior motives our captor might have in bringing her here…