[Free Time - Tiffani]

I found Tiffani in the library, huddled in front of the one computer on the ship. I guess I should have expected that, but what was she trying to do? As far as I knew, there was the library catalog and nothing else…

I peeped over her shoulder, though, and already it was showing a desktop with icons and stuff!

Tim yelps.
How did you do that??
Tiffani growls.
What the hell are you doing here?
Tim laughs.
Um… I’m the Ultimate Librarian, I figure I’m allowed to be in the library, ahaha.

She turned back to the screen, refusing to look at me, but she did answer eventually.

Tiffani talks.
Real simple Arch Linux setup running a locked down window manager. Didn’t even change the shortcut to get into the terminal… whoever set this up was hella lazy about it.
Tim smiles.
I understood some of those words?

She just sighed with utter disinterest and started typing again into a big black box on the screen. Neither of us said anything for a few moments, but I had already gotten this far…

Tim smiles.
Um, Tiffani? You don’t have to, um, keep working. You can take a break, y’know!

Tiffani rolls her eyes.
Well golly gee thanks mister, I had no fucking idea!
Tim frowns.
…Why don’t you, then? Is it…